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Электронный каталог: Справочник издательств
К списку издательств
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK
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Связанные описания:

Thompson D.
The Oxford dictionary of current english
Oxford University Press, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-19-283127-5
Thompson D.
The Oxford dictionary of current english
Oxford University Press, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-19-283127-5
World development report 1992: Development and the environment
Oxford University Press, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-19-520876-5
World development report 1992: Development and the environment
Oxford University Press, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-19-520876-5
Abraham, Henry J.
Freedom and the court: civil rights and liberties in the United States
Oxford University Press, 1988 г.
ISBN 0-19-505516-0
Abraham, Henry J.
Freedom and the court: civil rights and liberties in the United States
Oxford University Press, 1988 г.
ISBN 0-19-505516-0
Haines, Simon
First certificate masterclass: Student's book
Oxford University Press, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-19-432819-8
Haines, Simon
First certificate masterclass: Student's book
Oxford University Press, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-19-432819-8
Donaldson, Thomas
The ethics of international business
Oxford University Press, 1989 г.
ISBN 0-19-507471-8
Donaldson, Thomas
The ethics of international business
Oxford University Press, 1989 г.
ISBN 0-19-507471-8
Soar, Liz
Headway: Student's book: Pre-intermediate
Oxford University Press, 1996 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Soar, Liz
Headway: Student's book: Pre-intermediate
Oxford University Press, 1996 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Kindleberger, Charles P.
A financial history of western Europe
Oxford University Press, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-19-507737-7
Kindleberger, Charles P.
A financial history of western Europe
Oxford University Press, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-19-507737-7
Soar, John
Headway: Student's book:Intermediate
Oxford University Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 0-19-433555-0
Soar, John
Headway: Student's book:Intermediate
Oxford University Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 0-19-433555-0
Soar, Liz
New headway english course: Intermediate student's book
Oxford University Press, 2000 г.
ISBN 0-19-470223-5
Soar, Liz
New headway english course: Intermediate student's book
Oxford University Press, 2000 г.
ISBN 0-19-470223-5
Sayers, R.S.
A history of economic change in England, 1880 - 1939
Oxford University Press, 1967 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Sayers, R.S.
A history of economic change in England, 1880 - 1939
Oxford University Press, 1967 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Soar, John
Headway: Workbook: Pre-intermediate
Oxford University Press, 1998 г.
ISBN 0-19-433988-2
Soar, John
Headway: Workbook: Pre-intermediate
Oxford University Press, 1998 г.
ISBN 0-19-433988-2
Soar, John
Headway: Student's book: Intermediate
Oxford University Press, 1996 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Soar, John
Headway: Student's book: Intermediate
Oxford University Press, 1996 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Soar, John
Headway: Student's book: Pre -intermediate
Oxford University Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 0-19-433987-4
Soar, John
Headway: Student's book: Pre -intermediate
Oxford University Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 0-19-433987-4
Soar, Liz
New headway: English course: Intermediate student's book
Oxford University Press, 2003 г.
ISBN 0-19-470223-5
Soar, Liz
New headway: English course: Intermediate student's book
Oxford University Press, 2003 г.
ISBN 0-19-470223-5
Soar, Liz
New headway: English course: Intermediate workbook: With key
Oxford University Press, 2003 г.
ISBN 0-19-470225-1
Soar, Liz
New headway: English course: Intermediate workbook: With key
Oxford University Press, 2003 г.
ISBN 0-19-470225-1
Soar, Liz
New headway: English course: Intermediate teacher's book
Oxford University Press, 2002 г.
ISBN 0-19-470224-3
Soar, Liz
New headway: English course: Intermediate teacher's book
Oxford University Press, 2002 г.
ISBN 0-19-470224-3
Christie, Agatha
Crime never pays: Short stories
ISBN 0-19-422693-X
Christie, Agatha
Crime never pays: Short stories
Серия: Acknowledgements
Oxford University Press, 1998 г.ISBN 0-19-422693-X
Soar, John
Headway: Teacher's book: Advanced
Oxford University Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 0-19-433565-8
Soar, John
Headway: Teacher's book: Advanced
Oxford University Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 0-19-433565-8
Soar, Liz
Headway: Workbook: Elementary: With key
Oxford University Press, 2000 г.
ISBN 0-19-433993-9
Soar, Liz
Headway: Workbook: Elementary: With key
Oxford University Press, 2000 г.
ISBN 0-19-433993-9
The Poetic Edda
ISBN 0-19-283946-2
The Poetic Edda
Серия: Oxford world's classics
Oxford University Press, 1996 г.ISBN 0-19-283946-2