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Электронный каталог: Справочник издательств
К списку издательств
Wiley, New York
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Связанные описания:

Weitzen, H.Skip
Hypergrowth: Applying the success formula of today's fastest growing companies
Wiley, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-471-53173-1
Weitzen, H.Skip
Hypergrowth: Applying the success formula of today's fastest growing companies
Wiley, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-471-53173-1
Parry, Susan J.
Activation spectrometry in chemical analysis
ISBN 0-471-63844-7
Parry, Susan J.
Activation spectrometry in chemical analysis
Серия: Chemical analysis
Wiley, 1991 г.ISBN 0-471-63844-7
Berger, C.Jaye
Hazardous substances in buildings: liability, litigation and abatement
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-52777-7
Berger, C.Jaye
Hazardous substances in buildings: liability, litigation and abatement
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-52777-7
Lutz, John T.Jr.
Impact modifiers for PVC: The history and practice
ISBN 0-471-52764-5
Lutz, John T.Jr.
Impact modifiers for PVC: The history and practice
Серия: SPE monographs
Wiley, 1991 г.ISBN 0-471-52764-5
Foster, Jennifer
WordPerfect(R) for Windows(TM): Wiley command reference
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-54902-9
Foster, Jennifer
WordPerfect(R) for Windows(TM): Wiley command reference
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-54902-9
Jamsa, Kris
WordPerfect(R) for Windows(TM) Macros: Wiley command reference
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-57508-9
Jamsa, Kris
WordPerfect(R) for Windows(TM) Macros: Wiley command reference
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-57508-9
Bacon, Mark S.
Write like the pros: Using the secrets of ad writers and journalists in business
Wiley, 1988 г.
ISBN 0-471-85721-1
Bacon, Mark S.
Write like the pros: Using the secrets of ad writers and journalists in business
Wiley, 1988 г.
ISBN 0-471-85721-1
Preston, Daryl W.
Experiments in physics: A laboratory manual for scientists and engineers
Wiley, 1985 г.
ISBN 0-471-80571-8
Preston, Daryl W.
Experiments in physics: A laboratory manual for scientists and engineers
Wiley, 1985 г.
ISBN 0-471-80571-8
Stitt, Martin
Debugging: Creative techniques and tools for software repair
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-55831-1
Stitt, Martin
Debugging: Creative techniques and tools for software repair
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-55831-1
Bruno, Frank J.
The family encyclopedia of child psychology and development
Семейная энциклопедия психологии и развития ребенка
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-52793-9
Bruno, Frank J.
The family encyclopedia of child psychology and development
Семейная энциклопедия психологии и развития ребенка
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-52793-9
Fancher, Vivian Kramer
Safe kids: A complete child-safety handbook and resource guide for parents
Wiley, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-471-52973-7
Fancher, Vivian Kramer
Safe kids: A complete child-safety handbook and resource guide for parents
Wiley, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-471-52973-7
Sweetnam, Sherry
The executive memo: A guide to persuasive business communications
Wiley, 1986 г.
ISBN 0-471-57171-7
Sweetnam, Sherry
The executive memo: A guide to persuasive business communications
Wiley, 1986 г.
ISBN 0-471-57171-7
Bruno, Frank J.
The family mental health encyclopedia
Семейная энциклопедия психического здоровья
Wiley, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-471-55211-9
Bruno, Frank J.
The family mental health encyclopedia
Семейная энциклопедия психического здоровья
Wiley, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-471-55211-9
Chorafas, Dimitris N.
Treasury operations and the foreign exchange challenge: A guide to risk management strategies for the new world markets
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-54393-4
Chorafas, Dimitris N.
Treasury operations and the foreign exchange challenge: A guide to risk management strategies for the new world markets
Wiley, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-471-54393-4
McPherson, George
An introduction to electrical machines and transformers
Wiley, 1990 г.
ISBN 0-471-63529-4
McPherson, George
An introduction to electrical machines and transformers
Wiley, 1990 г.
ISBN 0-471-63529-4
- Our changing world series
- Coriolis group book
- Chemical analysis
- SPE monographs
- Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics
- Wiley series in data communications and networking for computer programmers
- Wiley series in advances in environmental science and technology
- The electrochemical society series
- Wiley series in systems engineering
- Nonlinear science: theory and applications
- Nonprofit law, finance, and management series
- The entrepreneur magazine small business series
- Schwager on futures series
- Business dictionary series
- Wiley small business editions
- Wiley finance editions
- National Retail Federation series
- Wiley series in manufacturing
- The portable MBA series
- Wiley series in microwave and optical engineering
- Wiley series in statistics
- Wiley survival guides in engineering and science