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Электронный каталог: Книги в рубрике:
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Связанные описания:
Noori, Hamid
Production and operations management: Тotal quality and responsiveness
McGraw-Hill, 1995 г.
ISBN 0-07-912037-7
Noori, Hamid
Production and operations management: Тotal quality and responsiveness
McGraw-Hill, 1995 г.
ISBN 0-07-912037-7
Cetron, Martin J.
Prognozowanie rozwoju przemyslu
Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, 1978 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Cetron, Martin J.
Prognozowanie rozwoju przemyslu
Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, 1978 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Bogaschewsky, Ronald
Prozessorientiertes Management: Mit 34 Abbildungen
Springer, 1998 г.
ISBN 3-540-64053-3
Bogaschewsky, Ronald
Prozessorientiertes Management: Mit 34 Abbildungen
Springer, 1998 г.
ISBN 3-540-64053-3
Электронный ресурс (аналит. описание)
Yuhao, Jiang
Research analysis of facility construction management and BIM technology
ISBN отсутствует
Yuhao, Jiang
Research analysis of facility construction management and BIM technology
ISBN отсутствует
Cox, Roger
Retail Management
ISBN 0712110259
Cox, Roger
Retail Management
Серия: The M & E handbook series
Longman Group UK, 1988 г.ISBN 0712110259
Risk management in financial services
Organisation for economic co-operation and development, 1992 г.
ISBN 92-641-3727-0
Risk management in financial services
Organisation for economic co-operation and development, 1992 г.
ISBN 92-641-3727-0
Сазерленд, Джефф
Scrum. Революционный метод управления проектами
Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2016 г.
ISBN 9785000577226
Сазерленд, Джефф
Scrum. Революционный метод управления проектами
Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2016 г.
ISBN 9785000577226
Dilworth, James B.
Solutions manual to accompany Production and operations management: manufacturing and services
McGraw-Hill, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-07-016992-6
Dilworth, James B.
Solutions manual to accompany Production and operations management: manufacturing and services
McGraw-Hill, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-07-016992-6
Pearce, John A.
Strategic management: formulation, implementation & control
Irwin, 1995 г.
ISBN 0-256-17067-3
Pearce, John A.
Strategic management: formulation, implementation & control
Irwin, 1995 г.
ISBN 0-256-17067-3
Kolks, Uwe
Strategieimplementierung: Ein anwenderorientiertes Konzept
Deutscher Universitats-Verlag, 1990 г.
ISBN 3-8244-0044-8
Kolks, Uwe
Strategieimplementierung: Ein anwenderorientiertes Konzept
Deutscher Universitats-Verlag, 1990 г.
ISBN 3-8244-0044-8
Kaplan, Robert S.
Strategy maps: converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes
Harvard Business School Press, 2004 г.
ISBN 9781591391340
Kaplan, Robert S.
Strategy maps: converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes
Harvard Business School Press, 2004 г.
ISBN 9781591391340
Ivancevich, John M.
Study guide for use with Management: quality and competitiveness
Irwin, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-256-14473-7
Ivancevich, John M.
Study guide for use with Management: quality and competitiveness
Irwin, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-256-14473-7
Chase, Richard B.
Study guide for use with Production and operations managemen: Мanufacturing and services
Irwin, McGraw-Hill, 1995 г.
ISBN 0-256-18752-5
Chase, Richard B.
Study guide for use with Production and operations managemen: Мanufacturing and services
Irwin, McGraw-Hill, 1995 г.
ISBN 0-256-18752-5
T.1. : Managerial economics: [Proceedings of the seminar]: 27.02.95 - 03.03.95
1995 г.
ISBN отсутствует
T.1. : Managerial economics: [Proceedings of the seminar]: 27.02.95 - 03.03.95
1995 г.
ISBN отсутствует
T.2. : Pricing determination: [Proceedings of the seminar]: 27.02.95 - 03.03.95
1995 г.
ISBN отсутствует
T.2. : Pricing determination: [Proceedings of the seminar]: 27.02.95 - 03.03.95
1995 г.
ISBN отсутствует
T.3. : Working with financial statements: [Proceedings of the seminar]: 27.02.95- 03.03.95
1995 г.
ISBN отсутствует
T.3. : Working with financial statements: [Proceedings of the seminar]: 27.02.95- 03.03.95
1995 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Weston, J. Fred
Takeovers, Restructuring, and Corporate Governance
ISBN 0131225537
Weston, J. Fred
Takeovers, Restructuring, and Corporate Governance
Серия: Prentice Hall finance series
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004 г.ISBN 0131225537
Ваssett, Glenn
The Evolution and Future of High Performance Management Systems
Quorum Books, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-89930-813-9
Ваssett, Glenn
The Evolution and Future of High Performance Management Systems
Quorum Books, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-89930-813-9
Drucker, Peter F.
The frontiers of management: Where tomorrow's decisions are being shaped today
Harper & Row, 1987 г.
ISBN 0-06-097111-8
Drucker, Peter F.
The frontiers of management: Where tomorrow's decisions are being shaped today
Harper & Row, 1987 г.
ISBN 0-06-097111-8
Книга (аналит. описание)
Kvach, A.
The importance of innovative trends in management development Belarusian companies and enterprises
ISBN отсутствует
Kvach, A.
The importance of innovative trends in management development Belarusian companies and enterprises
ISBN отсутствует
Templar, Richard
The rules of management: a definitive code for managerial success
Pearson Prentice Hall business, 2005 г.
ISBN 0273695169
Templar, Richard
The rules of management: a definitive code for managerial success
Pearson Prentice Hall business, 2005 г.
ISBN 0273695169
Dimancescu, Dan
The seamless enterprise.Making cross functional. Management work
Omneo, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-939246-51-1
Dimancescu, Dan
The seamless enterprise.Making cross functional. Management work
Omneo, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-939246-51-1
The significance of the last decade: papers to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the Pécs faculty of business & economics
University of Pecs, Faculty of business and economics, 2000 г.
ISBN 9636417423
The significance of the last decade: papers to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the Pécs faculty of business & economics
University of Pecs, Faculty of business and economics, 2000 г.
ISBN 9636417423