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Электронный каталог: Книги в рубрике:
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Связанные описания:
Hirschey, Mark
Managerial economics: study guide to accompany
The Dryden press, 1996 г.
ISBN 0030162173
Hirschey, Mark
Managerial economics: study guide to accompany
The Dryden press, 1996 г.
ISBN 0030162173
Burnes, Bernard
Managing change: a strategic approach to organizational dynamics
Prentice Hall, 2004 г.
ISBN 0273683365
Burnes, Bernard
Managing change: a strategic approach to organizational dynamics
Prentice Hall, 2004 г.
ISBN 0273683365
Bradford, David L.
Managing for excellence: the guide to developing high performance in contemporary organizations
Wiley, 1984 г.
ISBN 0-471-87176-1
Bradford, David L.
Managing for excellence: the guide to developing high performance in contemporary organizations
Wiley, 1984 г.
ISBN 0-471-87176-1
Drucker, Peter F.
Managing for the future: The 1990s and beyond
Truman Talley Books, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-452-26984-9
Drucker, Peter F.
Managing for the future: The 1990s and beyond
Truman Talley Books, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-452-26984-9
Cascio, Wayne F.
Managing human resources: productivity, quality of work life, profits
McGraw-Hill, 1998 г.
ISBN 0070119449
Cascio, Wayne F.
Managing human resources: productivity, quality of work life, profits
McGraw-Hill, 1998 г.
ISBN 0070119449
Blumberg, Donald F.
Managing service as a strategic profit center
McGraw-Hill, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-07-006189-0
Blumberg, Donald F.
Managing service as a strategic profit center
McGraw-Hill, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-07-006189-0
Guiltinan, Joseph P.
Marketing management: Strategies and programs
McGraw-Hill, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-07-048971-8
Guiltinan, Joseph P.
Marketing management: Strategies and programs
McGraw-Hill, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-07-048971-8
Eyre, E.C.
Mastering basic management
ISBN 9780333373095
Eyre, E.C.
Mastering basic management
Серия: Macmillan master series
Macmillan, 1991 г.ISBN 9780333373095
N3. : Методические вопросы организации управления машиностроительным предприятием (объединением)
1991 г.
ISBN отсутствует
N3. : Методические вопросы организации управления машиностроительным предприятием (объединением)
1991 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Книга (аналит. описание)
Drobov, N.E.
Neural networks as a modern trend in the development of management, marketing and the tourism ind...
ISBN отсутствует
Drobov, N.E.
Neural networks as a modern trend in the development of management, marketing and the tourism ind...
ISBN отсутствует
Nine Tested Strategies for Accelerated Advancement in Business
Prentice Hall, 1968 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Nine Tested Strategies for Accelerated Advancement in Business
Prentice Hall, 1968 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Schonberger, Richard J.
Operations management: Improving customer service
Irwin, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-256-08240-5
Schonberger, Richard J.
Operations management: Improving customer service
Irwin, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-256-08240-5
Schonberger, Richard J.
Operations management: continuous improvement
Irwin, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-256-11218-5
Schonberger, Richard J.
Operations management: continuous improvement
Irwin, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-256-11218-5
Organisation und Technik der Verwaltungsarbeit
ISBN отсутствует
Organisation und Technik der Verwaltungsarbeit
Серия: Wissensspeicher
Verlag Die Wirtschaft, 1974 г.ISBN отсутствует
Schreyogg, Georg
Organisation: Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung: Mit Fallstudien
ISBN 3-409-37729-8
Schreyogg, Georg
Organisation: Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung: Mit Fallstudien
Серия: Lehrbuch
Gabler, 1999 г.ISBN 3-409-37729-8
Organizacja procesu programowania systemow informatycznych w zarzadzaniu
Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Economiczne, 1977 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Organizacja procesu programowania systemow informatycznych w zarzadzaniu
Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Economiczne, 1977 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Hatch, Mary Jo
Organization theory: modern, symbolic, and postmodern perspectives
Oxford University Press, 2013 г.
ISBN 9780199640379
Hatch, Mary Jo
Organization theory: modern, symbolic, and postmodern perspectives
Oxford University Press, 2013 г.
ISBN 9780199640379
Jones, Gareth R.
Organizational theory, design, and change: text and cases
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004 г.
ISBN 0131227017
Jones, Gareth R.
Organizational theory, design, and change: text and cases
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004 г.
ISBN 0131227017
Gibson, James L.
Organizations: Behavior, structure, processes
Irwin, 1997 г.
ISBN 0-256-19268-5
Gibson, James L.
Organizations: Behavior, structure, processes
Irwin, 1997 г.
ISBN 0-256-19268-5
Fauth, Werner
Praktische Personalarbeit als strategische Aufgabe: Grundlagen,Konzepte,Checklisten
Gabler, 1991 г.
ISBN 3-409-19157-7
Fauth, Werner
Praktische Personalarbeit als strategische Aufgabe: Grundlagen,Konzepte,Checklisten
Gabler, 1991 г.
ISBN 3-409-19157-7
Moore, William L.
Product planning and management: designing and delivering value
McGraw-Hill, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-07-043046-2
Moore, William L.
Product planning and management: designing and delivering value
McGraw-Hill, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-07-043046-2
Lovelock, Christopher
Product plus: How product + service = competitive advantage
McGraw-Hill, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-07-038798-2
Lovelock, Christopher
Product plus: How product + service = competitive advantage
McGraw-Hill, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-07-038798-2
Chase, Richard B.
Production and operations management: Manufacturing and services
Irwin, 1995 г.
ISBN 0-256-14023-5
Chase, Richard B.
Production and operations management: Manufacturing and services
Irwin, 1995 г.
ISBN 0-256-14023-5
Dilworth, James B.
Production and operations management: Manufacturing and services
McGraw-Hill, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-07-016987-X
Dilworth, James B.
Production and operations management: Manufacturing and services
McGraw-Hill, 1993 г.
ISBN 0-07-016987-X