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Электронный каталог: Temperature dependent steric hindrance effects in triplet state relaxation of meso-phenyl-substit...
Temperature dependent steric hindrance effects in triplet state relaxation of meso-phenyl-substit...
Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry: Temperature dependent steric hindrance effects in triplet state relaxation of meso-phenyl-substit...
ISBN отсутствует
Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry: Temperature dependent steric hindrance effects in triplet state relaxation of meso-phenyl-substit...
ISBN отсутствует
Temperature dependent steric hindrance effects in triplet state relaxation of meso-phenyl-substituted Pd-octaethylporphyrins / A. Gorski [et al.]. – DOI 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2017.09.002 // Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry. – 2018. – Vol.354. – P. 101-111. – Режим доступа : http://rep.bntu.by/handle/data/47541. - Журнала нет в фонде библиотеки. – Пер. загл.: [Температурно-зависимые эффекты стерических затруднений при релаксации триплетных состояний мезофенилзамещенных Pd-октаэтилпорфиринов]. – На англ. яз.
The analysis of spectral-kinetic results of transient absorption and phosphorescence experiments has been carried out in a wide temperature range (80-293K) for a series of Pd-octaethylporphyrin derivatives (PdOEP) with increasing number of bulky meso-phenyl substituents. In order to elucidate the influence of steric hindrance interactions, as well as porphyrin macrocycle non-planarity on photophysical characteristics and relaxation pathways of triplet states, the following parameters were compared: i) T-state positions on the energy scale, ii) phosphorescence lifetimes and T1 -Tn transient absorption spectra, iii) phosphorescence quantum efficiencies, iv) activation energies of temperature-dependent phosphorescence rate constants for planar PdOEP and non-planar PdOEP-meso(Ph)n molecules.
общий = БД Труды научных работников БНТУ : 2018г.
труды сотрудников БНТУ = Факультет информационных технологий и робототехники : кафедра "Техническая физика"
труды сотрудников БНТУ = Химия. Химические науки. Химическая технология. Деревообработка (труды)
общий = РЕЛАКСАЦИЯ (физ.)
Temperature dependent steric hindrance effects in triplet state relaxation of meso-phenyl-substituted Pd-octaethylporphyrins / A. Gorski [et al.]. – DOI 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2017.09.002 // Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry. – 2018. – Vol.354. – P. 101-111. – Режим доступа : http://rep.bntu.by/handle/data/47541. - Журнала нет в фонде библиотеки. – Пер. загл.: [Температурно-зависимые эффекты стерических затруднений при релаксации триплетных состояний мезофенилзамещенных Pd-октаэтилпорфиринов]. – На англ. яз.
The analysis of spectral-kinetic results of transient absorption and phosphorescence experiments has been carried out in a wide temperature range (80-293K) for a series of Pd-octaethylporphyrin derivatives (PdOEP) with increasing number of bulky meso-phenyl substituents. In order to elucidate the influence of steric hindrance interactions, as well as porphyrin macrocycle non-planarity on photophysical characteristics and relaxation pathways of triplet states, the following parameters were compared: i) T-state positions on the energy scale, ii) phosphorescence lifetimes and T1 -Tn transient absorption spectra, iii) phosphorescence quantum efficiencies, iv) activation energies of temperature-dependent phosphorescence rate constants for planar PdOEP and non-planar PdOEP-meso(Ph)n molecules.
общий = БД Труды научных работников БНТУ : 2018г.
труды сотрудников БНТУ = Факультет информационных технологий и робототехники : кафедра "Техническая физика"
труды сотрудников БНТУ = Химия. Химические науки. Химическая технология. Деревообработка (труды)
общий = РЕЛАКСАЦИЯ (физ.)